Saturday, June 18, 2011

Life is too short...

Life is too short....  To leave regrets, things left undone, to not live freely in the day that is right in front of us. Many days we find not enough hours in the day, often  we leave unfinished business for the next day. The details, and tasks of the day swallow us up and keep us in river flowing. This past week was VBS at our church. Every year it is a river with a strong current's of fast furious nature, waterfalls with free falls. This year we had 170 kids, 78 volunteers, 170 parents dropping off kids. ACTIVITY and MOTION in it's finest. Music almost non stop in your ears for 3+ hours for five days. It's super fast paced, busy, and I get to spend the week coordinating and playing firefighter. (Taking care of problems and solving the issues that come up) It has been my privilege and honor to have been director for my husband for nine years. This us one VERY busy week that leaves me thinking about many as I ponder life and families.

I have loved certain aspects of this role. Leading the volunteer team, that we have watched grow and develop over the years is one of the things I cherish. I have watched mom's who step up and into places that were not always their gifting, because it was the right thing to do. In the doing of that I have watched them grow in who they are in him. I love seeing people using their gifts and abilities. It's amazing to see the teamwork and flexibility with so many different personalities. There are also the many families who sacrifice many hours to serve and make it happen. This year I watched families really tight already make huge sacrifices financially, (gas monies) families w/4+ kids arrive at 7:30 to serve, deacons who just did whatever was needed, station leaders who stepped in to fill needs, (that were not easy or natural fits). The list could go on and on.  All to teach Pre-K - 5th grade that YES they can connect with God. This week is about teamwork(working together) and kids. What KIDS? The blind girl, the one's who's dad is in prison, who's parents are getting a divorce, the one who has instability at home, the one who has no friends, the one who lost a loved one, the shy one's.

Days go by and things take our attention and time that are often of great value or sometimes  meaningless. Last week I saw many embrace the daily life to make a difference in each other, kids, and families. This was of great value!  New friendships, new understandings, new eyes to see and ears to hear what he is saying and doing. Fresh perspectives and openness to see afresh the work happening around us. It was great work for an amazing cause for bringing others to and in him. Life is too short and the work around us is deep and wide. So embrace today, look around you at the many living loud and faithfully to proclaim a message.  Life is too short~ Embrace the day- be awake to the POSITIVE work around you.  All around us there is something we can be apart of. Embrace, live free, healed and ready to proclaim what he is doing in you. Cause it's good~

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