Monday, February 7, 2011

Yellow Lights:

We run yellow lights most days. Right?  If we are honest we would all admit we are guilty of this. A yellow light means proceed with caution. Well here we are at Wolfson’s for Tommy’s teeth repairs. 8 cavities. (2 of them are holes in his teeth) Dr Richard Helffrich Anesthesiologist and I are going over history.  I am explaining the need for IV, his issues with:  subluxation, low muscle tone, and central apnea.  Dr Schneider (dentist) is listening patiently and “learning”

He is reading chart as I am explaining his rare disease. He speaks out loud while reading and listening to me. “He has Russell Silver- woo that changes everything.”
FINALLY someone with a LITTLE bit of experience. The next 35 minutes hold a call to pediatric Dr, pulling up x-rays and a WAIT and HOLD…  Caution ahead.
A very welcomed yellow light for this mom.

An “older and wiser” anesthesiologist who knew and understand the uniqueness of a RSS kid. He starts telling the entire room of nurses and the dentist- “Stop and lets slow down. This kid is not a typical.”  Thank you Jesus!

I usually prefer the green lights. Today I thank God for the yellow light of move forward carefully. I saw God’s sustaining hand protecting and watching over him.
For this I give thanks for a yellow light.  Any other day I would be frustrated with a yellow light when it comes to carrying for Tommy. Most local Dr’s do not have the background experience to support and care for him.
Today we added a new liaison-advocate for him here locally and I am grateful for a yellow light.


  1. Praising God for this yellow light, too! FINALLY! Praying, seeking, praying... and an answer. Someone with knowledge, and love. Someone who TRULY cares about this sweet patient.

    I'm glad today has been much better than expected. I love you guys!

  2. Thanks! It was a successful day.
