Sunday, August 7, 2011

Celebration, Sorrow, Grief, and Joy- In EVERY Season....

Today we celebrated great successful news in our fight to get Tommy the treatment that can change the outcome of his genetic rare disease, Russell Silvers. There has been VERY LITTLE growth in his sweet body for the past few years. His bone age has him at a 2 1/2 year old, he turns 6 in September. I was considering the roller coaster we have been on in the fight for adequate care, after his miss-diagnoses here in Jacksonville. The last six years have brought moments of loneliness, isolation, exhaustion, and grief that is very different for a mom who has a special needs child. I have not found myself mad at God for the intense season we have walked through. I can say- that many a questions have been asked on how, why, and what do I do now.

Over the last year we have been on the fast track of fixing the mistakes to get him care. Many success's, a lot of forward motion to get us headed where we needed to get results in getting him to grow. Today was the answer to many a question's and fighting to help him. IT IS WORKING... our sweet boy has officially grown. Such great news for our family and the many who have prayed for us, stood alongside and tried to support us in the journey.

One of the few people who has reached out me and has the experience of having children with special needs sent me a text in response to the news: "We are in it all together. Way to many special needs kids out there" :-( " Her words of affirmation and celebration struck a cord deep in me. In the celebrating I found myself pondering... The many in struggle around me. In my own hour of celebration and joy others around me looking at grief and sorrow.  Our lives are so different, unique, and reflection to others around us. The life we are walking out is filled with all celebration, joy, grief, and sorrow.  My own understanding of this is has been greatly challenged in the last five years. I had not known or experienced the deep place of grief that silently crept in thru injustice, and having to FIGHT with all I had to get Tommy what he needed. Exhaustion, GRIEF, Disappointment in man, Weariness, had taken a toll that I could not see with my own eyes. Very few could understand this need in me over the past few years. I found that sometimes we need to just ask for help, understand we are not suppose to do it alone. We have God- We have each other to lift up our arms in the weariness.

Within a few short hours of our celebration, news came in of the loss of yet another precious part of our family at church. His courage's battle with cancer was over and he is now healed and whole with Jesus. This precious mother and her three sweet girls lost their husband and dad forever. While grateful,  grief will be very present as they experience the loss of one they love so deeply.
Celebration and joy in our home, grief and sorrow in there's. The body we love around us in such different places. We know that the word says he orchestrates and sets all things into motion. I think of the song by Hillsongs. "Desert Song" In every season, I will praise, I will declare God is my victory and he is here. All of my life in every season, I have a reason to sing. you are still God. I have to admit, singing this song over the last year has not been easy, but I have chosen to worship him in my own season of grief. I can't say it disappeared entirely. I can say this. Choosing to worship him and stay in his word did keep and comfort me in his very present presence. In this, he directed and helped me to understand and occupy till I saw the victory.  Which is FINALLY here.

So my challenge to you is to look around you and see who needs you to step in and share by celebrating, praying for the deep sorrow, and grief. Many around us need us to come alongside to stand, pray, encourage, love, help , believe. I needed it and I promise you, I am coming back thanks to the ones who correctly heard and obeyed his voice to help me in my hour. And now we celebrate and have joy again! Hugs on the journey, With all my heart, Lissa


  1. Lis - You got me crying again!! You are a powerful warrior for God and for your family! I am so proud of you and honored to call you friend Thanks for standing with me in the ups and downs or our journey!! Love you!

  2. We need eachother. I could not have survived this without you and few others who stood 100% behind us. You are treasured friend, confidant, and sister in the Lord. Much of who I have become is due to you and your families commitement to me. I love you sorry I made you cry. You do the same thing to me except I laugh with you.
